Taiwanese Overseas Student Association (TOSA) is a student organization that is geared towards promoting Taiwanese cultures and serving mainly but not limited to Taiwanese students. Every year, TOSA strives to make incoming students feel welcomed and at home. At the beginning of every autumn quarter, we host Majors Information Night in order to answer questions regarding college life adjustment, settling down in Seattle, classes, majors, and etc.

In order to promote the appreciation of Taiwanese cultures to people of all nationalities and ethnic heritages, TOSA will host exciting events throughout the school year. This year, passionate TOSA officers work hard to organize major events such as Night Market, Movie Night, All-You-Can-Eat Hotpot, Tulip Trip and Members’ Appreciation Party.

Overall, TOSA welcomes anyone of all nationalities who are interested in Taiwanese cultures to join us and get involved!

華大台灣海外同學會(TOSA)提供台灣學子一個溫暖的歸宿,本社團幫助台灣學生解決在美求學過程中所遇到的障礙,也建立台灣學生互動網路,讓留學在外的學子們有諮詢的對象.TOSA舉辦各式多元的活動:由學長姐親自解惑的major info night,一解思鄉食慾的夜市,在美國過不到的台灣新年火鍋活動,遊覽西雅圖名勝的鬱金香之旅還不定期舉辦台灣電影欣賞.讓台灣學生在西雅圖有依靠的力量跟互動的網絡, 建立人脈.本社團另一宗旨在於宣揚台灣文化, 台灣多樣性的文化獨樹一格, TOSA所辦的諸多活動都熱誠歡迎各種不同種族的朋友們來共襄盛舉, 一起體驗台灣豐富的文化.

TOSA是一群自發的華大學生, 本著服務的心情成立幫助台灣學子, 希望有興趣願意幫忙的朋友加入我們的行列, 一起為台灣盡一份心力.